Construction of the 4th bridge to canal finally commences.


The Design and Construction project of the Fourth Bridge over the Panama Canal is progressing, despite the controversies that have arisen since its announcement, in 2015. Yesterday, President Juan Carlos Varela and the Minister of Public Works, Ramón Arosemena, gave the first shove that marks the start of the megaproject to be built north of the Bridge of the Americas.

The work will be in charge of the Panama Fourth Bridge Consortium – formed by China Communications Construction Company LTD and China Harbor Engineering Company LTD -, which was awarded the tender in June 2018, after offering the best technical and economic proposal with an investment of $ 1,420 million .

‘For our government it is very important to be sure that one of the largest infrastructure projects in the country has the support of world class companies, with an undeniable record, as the Chinese company in charge of this work’, said Varela .

It is expected that the construction of the bridge, of an extension of 3,950 meters, will take 54 months.

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