Comptroller audits reveal egregious abuse of public funds


“It is very sad to see how the funds of all Panamanians were handled in such an irresponsible manner,” said Comptroller Federico Humbert , regarding the audits of payrolls and donations in the National Assembly .

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Humbert said on Wednesday, August 22 that, until now, audit reports have been submitted ” that link 10-15 deputies .” It did not specify the names, but in the Supreme Court of Justice already denunciations have been received against the deputies Aris de Icaza and Marylín Vallarino , of Democratic Change ; Felipe Vargas and Leando Ávila , from the PRD , and Jorge Alberto Rosas , from Panameñista .

He explained that the Office of the Comptroller has presented the complaints ” little by little “, as they find the anomalies, so as not to commit “the error of the way in which we present the communal meetings”. In that case, there were 186 audits and 300 boxes of documents delivered to the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

[Read here the note ‘Comptroller delivers to the prosecutor the result of 186 audits to communal boards and municipalities’].

Humbert also referred to contracts for professional services through payroll 172, called cash back , since the beneficiaries did not work and the money they received stayed with 5% or 10%; the rest, returned to the deputy.


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