Chinese hand release continues during visit- Varela grants 4th bridge to China firm

International Relations

The President of the Republic, Juan Carlos Varela, delivered the order to proceed to the Consorcio Panama Cuatro Puente, formed by the companies China Communications Construcction Company Ltd and China Harbor Engineering Company Ltd, for the start of the work.

The fourth bridge over the Panama Canal is a work with an investment of $ 1,420 million.

The work consists of a complete road system that includes a main cable-stayed bridge and the east access viaduct, a western access viaduct totaling approximately 2.1 kilometers. In addition, east (Albrook) and west distributors, which total approximately 34 kilometers, will be designed and built, including roads, ramps and viaducts.

From the fourth Bridge of the Americas, drivers will have access to La Amistad Avenue, Omar Torrijos Avenue, National Avenue, North Corridor, Veracruz, Pan-American Highway and the Las Americas Bridge.

The toll system will be free Flow, that is, it will pass without barriers at normal speed under new toll-reading portals.
The Ministers of Public Works, Ramón Arosemena, were accompanied to Varela. The comptroller of the Republic, Federico Humbert, the ambassador of the People’s Republic of China.

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