Chinese contractors finishing studies for massive train project to Chiriqui.


OP ED: So no engineering firms in US, UK, Canada, Spain, Germany, etc.  Apparently just China and Odebrecht.

The feasibility study for the establishment of a rail transport system between Panama and Chiriquí “is basically finished”.

Chinese President will visit Panama from December 2 to 3
Know the 25 agreements agreed between Panama and China
This was stated on Friday November 23 by the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Panama, Wei Qiang, at a press conference.

According to the ambassador, the Chinese technical team is currently in the final report preparation phase.

“The feasibility study on the possible construction of the railway line between Panama and Chiriquí has ​​been made with China’s non-reimbursable cooperation funds,” he recalled.

In that sense, he made it clear that the decision to carry out or not the construction of this project will be solely of the Government of Panama.

The system that is evaluated to build is a passenger / cargo train with a maximum speed of 160 kilometers per hour, which is expected to cover a distance of 450 kilometers in two and a half hours, a route that today takes by car or bus between 6 and 8 hours, taking into account, in addition to the distance, the speed limits.

The ambassador’s statements were made at an event organized in a hotel in the Panamanian capital, where he reiterated that Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit Panama City from December 2 to 3, which was announced yesterday by the Panamanian governor Juan Carlos Varela .


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