
Re-Visiting the DANGER of BOCAS del TORO.

OP ED: James “JB” Bryson The more deeply we are helping our fellow ex-pats with real estate issues, legal wrangling, and other problems they got suckered into in and around the area of BOCAS DEL TORO, COLON, BOQUETE, etc, I feel it is our duty to remind those that are …


Varela returns from crime meeting in US with pledge to reduce activity in Colon region.

President Juan Carlos Varela, announced on Tuesday in the province of Colon the creation of a Task Force and a search block to deal with crime. Varela said that this Task Force will be made up of all the State security agencies, so that Colón maintains the same security figures …

Bocas del Toro

Titling issues coming back into light. Indigenous Panamanians tired of being used by elite? More coming

Members of the National Coordination of Indigenous Peoples of Panama protested, on Thursday morning, at the entrance of the Ministry of Environment, in Albrook. This, they said, to show their rejection of the lack of attention from this institution, in their demands for collective land titling. Marcelo Guerra, one of …


BURNS MY ASS!!! So where is Emilio Sempris??? AGAIN, as mining threatens National Park in Colon’.

by James “JB” Bryson On PNO.com we have already expanded and commented on the recent logging issues and back handed concessions given by the person assigned to PROTECT the environment of Panama. Yet as I type, more activity is occurring dangerously and ominously close to protected hectares in Colon’, that …


Multiple viral deaths in Colon cause immediate concern

Two deaths from dengue and one from the hanta virus have been recorded so far this year. Until the epidemiological week 20, which ended on May 19, 1,285 cases of dengue had been registered in the country, reported the head in charge of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), Israel …


Crackdown in Colon.

On Thursday, May 10, the Panamanian authorities carried out an anti-gang operation in the province of Colón . In the operation, called Gideon, participated officials of the National Police and the Public Ministry. According to the authorities, in this action at least 26 people have been apprehended. Omar Pinzón, general …


Aftermath in Colón after riots

The Panamanian Government condemned the riots that broke out in the protest staged in the city of Colón last Tuesday. A statement released by the Executive said: “We condemn the riots … led by groups of criminals, supported by people with political interests and other organized crime that are against …