BURNS MY ASS: Abuses of the natural beauty of Panama!!!


by James “JB” Bryson

Happy Labor Day to all ex-pats here and to those back stateside.

On this day I am reflecting on the story that PNO.com re-distributed last week concerning the approval of logging so close to the Darien National Park.

I get so angry at the short sighted greed that rears it’s ugly head when it comes to the environment. The wife and I were very involved in environmental issues in the US before we retired. Having lived through Illinois winters, I’ve come to appreciate the beauty of Panama.

Which is why this story burns my ass to such a degree. What is the pint of segregating the area of Darien to be a National Park and protected ground, only to amend said decision when the chance to make a quick buck arrives?

When I was down in Bocas del Toro recently we observed abuses of the mangroves and boats tearing through living coral. With literally no force or agency to deter these actions. When we visited Africa in 2011, we saw that the abuses over there in regards to accessing underground oil lines in order to refine a crude version of gasoline was literally poisoning an entire eco-system. One would hope that Panama can keep itself to a higher standard than that set in sub Saharan Africa.

Please be vocal people and require more from your candidate in these upcoming primaries. Make sure this issue is not one left up in the trees.



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