APB- Calling out to “MusicManiac” of the former “Red Frog Beach Blogspot”


by James “JB” Bryson

As PNO.com has been fielding calls and complaints from both readers and visitors alike to offer commentary about Bocas del Toro, and in particluar, the business tactics that some people have described as unsavory to downright intimidation and violent, I find myself looking to speak with the person who ran the BLOG, “Red Frog Beach Blogspot” which appears to have ceased postings in 2011-2012.

This of course is in line when many of the people involved in the first wave of purchases settled and I am wondering of there is more information to be told as was described to our reader “Rick” a month ago.

There is certainly more than merely smoke in regards to the characters involved in the initial solicitation of Red Frog Beach. The stories and cases are simply to high in volume to just be random pissed off purchasers.

If anyone happens to know who this person was, I would love for them to contact me directly at PNO.com. As there are still many questionable dealings that are occurring in a very remote and un-policed area of Panama that still seems comfortable to promote itself as an island paradise.

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