Another former Latin leader facing crimes, Argentinean President blamed for factory explosion


An Argentine court confirmed this Thursday, May 17, the prosecution without pre-trial detention of former president and senator Carlos Menem , 87, as alleged mastermind of the explosion of a military factory that left seven dead in 1995.

The crime for which Menem is accused – as well as the military already convicted – is that of “fraudulent havoc aggravated by the death of persons” in an act that, according to the accusation, was carried out to erase evidence of arms smuggling. to Croatia and Ecuador between 1991 and 1995.

The Federal Chamber (appeals) of Cordoba confirmed a 2013 resolution of a judge of first instance, who had prosecuted the former president (1989-1999), reported the Judicial Information Center (CIJ). With the vote of two of the three judges and one in dissidence, the court also aggravated the accusation of “instigator” to “mediate author” of the bombing of the Río Tercero military factory on November 3, 1995.

The judicial decision opens the doors to a new trial to be held in Cordoba, 700 km to the north, in this case, complementary to another process that in 2014 sentenced four retired military men to between 10 and 13 years in prison. The explosion caused seven dead and 300 wounded, devastated neighboring houses and left 25 million dollars in material losses.


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