Another Ex-Pat getting screwed story- this time in Pedasi


by James “JB” Bryson

So after a long bout with bronchitis, I check the old INBOX, and see that was contacted by a gentleman named Gustavo who is an American citizen that was looking for some land to retire in in Panama. (Sound familiar?)

He said he read the article we ran a few months back and was awaiting to hear the follow up with an independent investigator that worked specifically on Latin and Central American land schemes. Please feel free to go back in the archives to read the interview with “Big Anthony”.  Interestingly enough, I have not been able to have that follow up as Anthony has been working on a case and was not been afforded the time to sit down. I offered a Skype interview, but he insists on a personal sit down.

So Gustavo stated he was told of a lovely ocean view condo that turned out to be a boiling crock of shit. This despite all the seemingly required and verified papers from both the developers and the real estate people promoting the sale.

My Ex-Pat pal “Buddy” and I are planning to meet when he arrives in Panama next week and see if it has all the same smells and indicators of the same deal that “Buddy” himself took on this chin in Bocas del Toro.

Very anxious to jump on this as I have always felt that Ex-Pats are what promote and bring so much commerce to Panama, yet far more than often they are just suckers awaiting to be poached, with no REAL way to assure protection.

Stay tuned-


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