
by James “JB” Bryson

As continues to post and look for different topics to exchange upon, we are seeking to become more of a tool to be used by ex-pats and Panamanians alike.

During the past election, we have had traffic increase to sometimes as high as 10,000 views a day, and a solid average of around 1,800 to 2,000 daily. We do not support click bait, so these are actual people that have come to

This site has the ability to support banners and logos of businesses in Panama. will be providing FREE website Banners and site space to our readers and visitors for 60 Days.  PERIOD.  No sign up. No monies due.  

If after 60 days you would like to continue, will assess a small fee simply to keep us up and going.

Take advantage of the people that visit us and promote your business!!!!

Please send any contact information to me directly at:


Please just send to this address, the name of your company as you want it to be seen, and if you have a JPEG or High Resolution Logo for the banner, please send that directly to my email at :

I will place you on the site for 60 Days, no fees or commitments.



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PREZ MULINO: Take a look at RED FROG BEACH in Bocas!! New ASEP fines for operating without concession.

How does 20 years under 4 administrations without a concession sound?  Arbitrarily assigning different prices per KwH that are unregulated and essentially a “monopoly” run by an asshole that has been permitted to act with impunity.   TAKE A LOOK at ECO-FLOW.    Your Welcome Prez.  Your pal-  “JB”.  AMERICAN and …

Is it just me?,,,,,,or am I “CARNAC” again. Let the feast begin. The former mayor of Colón, Alex Lee, is not only facing criminal proceedings for alleged irregularities in the management of funds from the Barrio Sur Communal Board in Colón; now the Court of Accounts has notified him of a summons to trial, the result of an investigation by …

New Administration brings out the “Panama Piranha” on the old regimes. Target #1

OP ED: “JB” For years I have been able to not only post on, but PROVE an ingrained pattern within the institution of Panamanian politics to “feast and revenge” on the conquered. I have referred to it as “cannibalistic”. I speak of the fact that the underhanded dealings that have …