AdaptAmericas in Panama leads forum on climate change


The consequences of climate change have given rise to initiatives that turn situations of risk into opportunities in areas such as transport, water management and construction.

In Canada, for example, the Pievc Protocol has been extended, which estimates infraestrategy vulnerability to environmental threats. It is a decision-making tool that assesses the climate and conditions of the area to devise resilient structures, summarizes Vladimir Naranjo , area manager of the climate change projects of the Federated College of Engineers and Architects of Costa Rica, where the The system has been successfully applied in the development of aqueducts since 2012.

“We can not stop climate change, but we can adapt, build structures that are more prepared to withstand the effects. We have applied the Pievc Protocol in aqueduct systems, but it works for streets, bridges or for a community or entire city. It is planning thinking about the environment and its effects, “he said.


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