Yet another arrest in Financial Pacific pyramid. Posted yesterday on


The seventh anticorruption prosecutor, Leyda Sáenz, ordered yesterday the preventive detention of merchant Riccardo Francolini for alleged anomalies in transactions made through the Jal Offshore company in the Financial Pacific (FP) brokerage house.

Francolini, who is being investigated for allegedly committing the crime of money laundering, was transferred to the headquarters of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ), where he remains in custody.

Carlos Carrillo, Francolini’s lawyer , said he was surprised by the decision of the prosecution, since his client voluntarily submitted his resignations, and because in recent days he had filed two habeas corpus before the Supreme Court: one against the order of driving and another so that it was not stopped. Yesterday afternoon he filed another against the arrest warrant.

Meanwhile, the prosecution asked Interpol to issue red alerts for the capture of six people who have been required to investigate in this process, but have not appeared.


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