WYD will be a litmus test of how Panama functions on the World Stage. (Hotels, Transportation, Security)


by James “JB” Bryson

With well over a year of preparations under the belt, the Pope he is a coming. And bringing flocks of followers and congregations with him. World Youth Day is a HUGE event for this country. Perhaps the BIGGEST that has EVER occurred.

I for one hope that is goes as smoothly as possible. In a year where the administration of Varela has been pre-occupied with (IMO) establishing him as a leader to be noticed, the focus should be on making the NATION one to be noticed.

Well, the time is here and I am hopeful all facets of the Panamanian infrastructure perform perfectly and represent the country and its people well. It will be a huge challenge. Tocumem will have to run smoothly. An already jammed and congested traffic situation will have to be controlled. The security forces and the Police will be challenged with crowds that have never before been seen or dealt with.

The Metro, which is being used in test runs, will have to play a big part of moving people through Panama.

And all for an event that brings light to the children of the world and a focus on religion to bring people together. I am very hopeful, and will be watching with great passion for my new home as this massive event occurs.



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