Water service across Panama remains an issue, 50% in Chitre.


The lack of water in several sectors of Chitré is maintained on Tuesday, while the Ministry of Education issued instructions to the directors of schools and schools in the district of Chitré to suspend educational work.

Chitreanos rise without drinking water service
Since Monday, the Regional Education of Herrera sent a circular to the directors of schools where they were asked to send students to their homes, for lack of water; and he pointed out that if the problem persisted, the classes would be suspended.

While the Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers National (Idaan), through a statement, announced that the work performed by the staff of the institution in one of the pumping equipment of the raw water intake will extend to this Tuesday.

The entity confirmed that because the water treatment plant continues to work at 50% of its production, there is low pressure or lack of potable water supply in Chitré centro, Monagrillo, San Juan Bautista, La Arena and surrounding areas.

READ MORE:https://www.prensa.com/provincias/Chitre-planteles-educativos-suspenden-clases_0_5125737380.html

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