Varela heads to China for third time. ( Looking for condo in Beijing on July 1st. “IMO”)


( “So I’d like a place with a big kitchen to make tostones and Corvina.”)


The President of the Republic, Juan Carlos Varela , will travel to China in the coming days, confirmed the Secretary of State Communication yesterday afternoon.

It will be the third time the president traveled to that country since June 2017, when the two nations established diplomatic relations.

Neither the date of the trip nor the details of the agenda have been announced. That is, it has not been specified which cities will be visited, how many days will it be absent, who will travel in the official delegation or what is the purpose of the trip.

This media requested that information yesterday from the Presidency of the Republic, but this indicated that next Friday will give information about it.

The last tour that Varela made to that Asian nation was in November 2018, when Panama participated in the China International Import Expo, in Shanghai.

The first official trip to China was made in November 2017. At that time, he visited Beijing to inaugurate the Embassy of Panama, and was in Shanghai, where he inaugurated the consulate.

It was known unofficially that the president will also visit Japan, a nation that will finance the third line of the Panama Metro.

Varela ends his term on June 30 of this year.


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