Varela attends inauguration of new Colombian leader

International Relations

The president of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela , arrived yesterday in Bogota with the vice president and chancellor Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado to participate in the inauguration of Iván Duque as president of Colombia.

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President Iván Duque, the turbulent beginning of his government in Colombia
Prior to the acts of transmission of command Varela held a bilateral meeting with Duque, reported the State Communication Secretariat .

At the meeting, both leaders discussed issues of interest to Panama and Colombia, such as the fight against drug trafficking through the Southern Triangle (Panama, Costa Rica and Colombia), the solution to commercial situations between the two countries and tourism, stressed Presidency.

According to President Varela, the objective of the meeting was to establish a “joint and renewed agenda” with the new president of Colombia and “to stress the importance of continuing to work hard in the fight against drug trafficking and organized crime.”


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