Trump administration shows that the US is not above Panama concerning national division


by James “J.B” Bryson

As I continually embrace me new status as a full time resident of Panama, I usually take a great interest into the political landscape of this country. Many if not the vast majority of article we post or comment on at for ex pats center around the current Varela administration and the obscene amount of political skullduggery, corruption, and backstabbing that occurs here currently.

Well back in the old U-S-of A, the largest super power in the world, shows that they are not above such behavior either. The New York Times release of a anonymous Op-ed piece allegedly coming directly from within the Trump administration and White House reminds me that back home is not much better than where I have retired to.

While there has always been mud slinging within the two party system of Democrats and Republicans, there is no precedent for the type of activity that is being exhibited now within the Trump White House.

I have attached the article link below that has Trump going wild again on Twitter with screams of FAKE NEWS and what he terms as a possible illegal bias from the media being shown against him. I would love to see what people would say of Varela, the former cronie of a man currently incarcerated for embezzlement and wire tapping, if they had the freedom to do so.

Take a read.



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