Rejection of proposed Port of Balboa stoppage


The Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (Cciap) and the Logistic Business Council rejected the afternoon of this Saturday, May 12, the stoppage of operations in the port of Balboa, as it is an action with millions of repercussions on the cargo and its transshipment as well as adding to the negative impact of the image of the Panamanian logistics hub .

The workers who handle the cranes of the terminal paralyzed work during this Saturday as a measure of pressure after the announcement and implementation of a restructuring that implies the cessation of several jobs.

“The Panamanian logistics hub provides a fundamental service for world trade, so stoppages like these leave Panama in a very bad position in front of customers and operators who choose our route for loading in transshipment,” said Gabriel Barletta, president of the Cciap.

“The port of Balboa is one of the terminals with the largest freight movement in Latin America, this not only has a negative impact on the operator, this translates into detriment to the national economy,” said the leader of the business association.

The company, which operates one of the two port terminals in the Pacific sector, reported that given the unfavorable reality of Panamanian ports, they are executing “an organizational scheme with which difficult but necessary changes are being implemented for the continuity of operations ”


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