READ this article- Then Re-READ from weeks ago. JB just saying……..


OP ED: by James “JB” Bryson

One line- Can you see the forest between the trees?


The former president of the Republic, Ricardo Martinelli was rushed to Santo Tomás Hospital, confirmed his spokesman Luis Eduardo Camacho.

Earlier, Alejandro Pérez, one of Martinelli’s lawyers, announced through a voice note on WhatSapp that the ex-president presented a “severe hypertensive crisis with vomiting, headache and chest pain.”

“We sat him in a chair, we called the doctor of El Renacer to attend him and when we sat him Ricardo was cold, he (Martinelli) is wrong,” Pérez said in the message.

“The doctor from El Renacer called 911 and we will see what they say, but Ricardo Martinelli certainly has to be treated urgently … His health condition is serious and we hope he will be transferred to an emergency medical center, because in Reborn can not do anything for him, “insisted the jurist.

Marta Linadres de Martinelli, wife of the exmandatario also pronounced itself and said that she only hopes that they soon transfer to a hospital.




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