Popular Zulay is being accused of “blackmail” and extortion.


José Antonio Domínguez, deputy of the pro-Panamanian party official, called his colleague Zulay Rodríguez, of the Partido Revolucionario Democrático (PRD), to represent “extreme populism”, to have ties to the maritime industry, and to use his seat “to blackmail and extort. ”

The incident occurred in the period of incidents of the National Assembly today, Monday, February 18.

“She [Zulay Rodríguez] represents extreme populism,” said the Panamanian deputy in front of his seat in the plenary session. His fellow deputies from the Panameñista Party, the PRD, the Molirena, and the Partido Popular watched him. “If someone has used their curule to blackmail and extort others it is her,” he continued.

Dominguez said that Rodriguez is questioned to the Canal administrator, but is not able to say that her husband is practical interoceanic and is even responsible for colliding ships.

He also questioned Rodriguez how to express himself in the plenary, telling him “you scream in this room”, does not mean that “she is the possessor of the truth”.

Dominguez concluded his speech by assuring that he does not have “straw tail”, but that Rodriguez “does have it, and it is muddy with fuel”.

“He who does not owe her is not afraid of it,” Dominguez said, before making an urgent call for the “change of the Constitution “, as he assures that his colleagues have “destroyed the image of politicians.”

When it was his turn to speak, Zulay Rodríguez said: “Mr. deputy, you just told me everything, I will not waste your time with you. Tomorrow I answer him. ”

Instead, he concentrated his energies on accusing the Independent Movement, (Movin) of being a record of President Juan Carlos Varela, mentioning instances in which relatives of executives of that organization have allegedly been benefited by state contracts.


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