Pope ponders his time to say “Farewell”


Pope Francis said Tuesday May 15 that he has been thinking about when it would be time to “say goodbye” to his flock.

The pontiff made this reflection during his homily this Tuesday. The Holy See did not disclose the full text.

Just as Saint Paul thought at the time that he should entrust his flock to the care of others, all bishops must make that decision, said Pope Francis.

“When I read this, I think of myself, because I am a bishop and I will have to say goodbye,” he added.

Pope Francis, 81, has said that Pope Benedict XVI with his resignation “opened a door” to future popes. He has also said that he did not foresee a long pontificate, but he has not explicitly said whether he would resign.

READ MORE:https://www.prensa.com/mundo/papa-Francisco-pensado-momento-despedida_0_5031246826.html

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