opening advertising links for the interests of it’s visitors as site traffic GROWS.


by James “JB” Bryson is now opening up the site to companies that promote products and/or services of interests to the readership base in Panama. This is something unplanned, but as we have seen the visitors increase it has been mentioned as a useful tool that can be used by both Panamanians and ex-pats alike.

This site was started as hobby for someone who was tired of playing online chess in his retirement. Since retiring here full time, I needed a  hobby and felt that people (especially ex-pats) could learn some things and have an opportunity to share story lines good and bad for the betterment of the new arrivals living or working in Panama.

Of late we have been pleasantly surprised to see that the readership has really started to take off. What began as a “hobby” is now keeping me away and out of the wife’s way as I am often asked to dig in and spend real time and resources to follow up on requested topics. We went right into the heart of the recent SUNTRACS labor dispute to get opinions from the actual workers. We then followed that up with a weekend excursion to Bocas del Toro to see land squatting intimidation literally up close and personal. This was done solely to lend a hand and answer queries to some of the followers of the site.

Over the last several weeks I personally have spent some extensive resources both time and funds to open up the site to sponsors to help offset some of the costs of getting a non-filtered story. Again at the behest of my better half, I saw that she raised a solid point in regards to the opportunity to both make the site better and also service the needs of some of our readers. After first shooting down the idea I realized she was right. is here for the long haul and why not offer to willing businesses the opportunity to promote themselves on the platform. We have multiple follow ups in the coming weeks to both the 2019 elections as well as an interview with a private investigator in regards to Bocas del Toro.

In the coming days we will have a line set up to call and leave information, in the interim please simply reply to this post if you have a business in either Panama or anywhere for that matter that you feel can serve the interests of readers.

Thanks as always for visiting


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