Pollution and the effects on health


As part of the ecosystem , human beings are compromised by the effects of environmental pollution that we cause. Children, the elderly, sick people and families with limited resources are the most affected by this problem, and it intensifies in urban areas with uncontrolled growth and overpopulation .

According to data from 2017 of the World Health Organization (WHO), due to environmental pollution occur 1.7 million child deaths annually in the world. Unhealthy conditions such as indoor and outdoor air pollution, exposure to tobacco smoke, insalubrity of water, lack of hygiene, are some of the triggers of this alarming figure.

Similarly, the WHO estimates that 1.3 million people die each year due to urban air pollution.


Water supply and sanitation was recognized as a human right in 2010 by the General Assembly of the United Nations.

READ MORE;https://impresa.prensa.com/vivir/contaminacion-salud_0_5014748533.html


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