
by James “JB” Bryson

Just noticed an nice story about a place I have actually visited upon settling in Panama. At the PUNTA CULEBRA NATURAL CENTER, you can visit a place that in conjunction with the SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE brings attention to the natural beauty of Panama and all the things that threaten it. Please visit when you can, if not, MAKE time to do so.  “J.B”

In the Punta Culebra Natural Center live three nameless turtles. Sometimes the smallest attendants call the green turtle ( Chelonia mydas ) Sammy, as the main character in the movie Sammy and the secret passage.

While the two hawksbill turtles ( Eretmochelys imbricata ), they share the name of Crush, the turtle of Finding Nemo.

And although among the animated characters and the Isthymian chelonians there may be no greater similarity than being part of the sea turtle family, the lives of the latter could well inspire their own film.

Four years ago, when they arrived at the facilities that are part of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute , they were so small that they could not swim, so they had to receive care and rehabilitation.

This in turn means that they will not be able to return to their natural habitat, because their chances of survival are very low.

READ MORE:https://impresa.prensa.com/vivir/hogar-caparazon_0_5192480742.html

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