PETROBAS, and dirty cops scandal dismantled in Brazil


The Brazilian police today dismantled a network of international traffic of narcotics in which participated at least one investigated in the operation Lava Jato, which investigates the vast corruption scandal uncovered in the state oil company Petrobras, informed official sources today.

About 90 agents of the Federal Police served eight prison terms against suspects of integrating “a huge structure” commanded by Luiz Carlos Da Rocha, alias “Cabeça Branca” (White Head), imprisoned since July of last year and considered one of the biggest dealers in South America.

Tuesday’s operation took place in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco, Ceará, Paraíba, Mato Grosso do Sul, Sao Paulo and the country’s capital, Brasilia.

During the investigations the Police managed to identify a “complex and organized” structure destined “to the laundering of money coming from the international traffic of narcotics”.

Among those arrested is Carlos Alexandre de Souza Rocha, alias “Ceará”, who signed a collaboration agreement with the authorities in the framework of the Lava Jato operation.



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