Panama defines its borders after 22 years


The maritime space of the country was defined in a draft law promoted by the Maritime Authority of Panama (AMP). The initiative establishes the baseline, from which the 200 miles of maritime space in which Panama is measured.

Within the 200 nautical miles include the 12 miles of territorial sea, in which Panama exercises full sovereignty, 24 continuous zone and the rest that integrates the exclusive economic zone. After 12 nautical miles to 200 nautical miles, the country only exercises economic sovereignty, that is, the right to exploit productive activities, such as fishing and mineral resources.

The project was approved two weeks ago in Cabinet Council and should be sent to the National Assembly. In this way, the authorities define the maritime space after 22 years since Panama adopted the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, through Law No. 38 of June 4, 1996.


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