New train to cost as much as the Panama Canal


The diplomatic relationship between Panama and China would be immortalized with an enormous work that would cross the country and whose cost would be equated with that of the expansion of the Canal .

Panama is studying with China the construction of a train that would depart from the capital city and reach the province of Chiriqui, so that the work quickly connects the country with Costa Rica.

Does Panama have a project of such magnitude? It is still premature to make an ovation for the idea or express outright opposition.

Given the limited information on the project, executives linked to the logistics sector are prudently silent, although they warn that at this moment a real demand should have already been identified, and then, with the feasibility study, determine to the millimeter the convenience or not of the train.

The Government has stated that the feasibility study will clear doubts. But we should take into account a vital element in this case. The study will be done by the People’s Republic of China, the same country that could finance the work.



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