My weekly “Burns My Ass” Entry for


by James “JB” Bryson

Greetings readers and thanks for stopping by. The posts have been slow recently due to many of the same issues that people are feeling here in Panama City. My wife advised me that at least once a week I inform her in a very loud manner, some issue or another that I claim really “Burns My Ass”. So as opposed to just making her deal with it, I am going to share my views with site visitors and fellow ex pats here in Panama.

Quite simply, the “Burn My Ass” entry for this week has to do with the INFRASTRUCTURE.

When we came here and saw the boon in vertical construction that hit Panama City ten years ago, one of our concerns was indeed the increase of people into a small area, coupled with the demand for basic infrastructure needs. We were advised of mass transit systems under Martinelli that have yet to reap any rewards or provide any relief. The expansion of the Correador Sur with added lanes for travel back and forth from Tocumen. More streetlights and better drainage.

Well as seen recently by the flooding, and issues with water service- Read here about who will be without water for tomorrow.

This coupled with the increase in electrical cost is starting to dim some of the initial shine we had when moving here. While it is hard to complain from a financial standpoint of the costs compared to the states, the quality of life and everyday travel in Panama City is starting to be felt more often.

You will see in many posts that we take a very keen look at the current political climate and the upcoming elections. I personally always keep my ear open as all the sharks are swimming in the water to hear exactly WHO has a tangible plan in place to deal with the issues that are affecting all of us.




Hey JB just two days ago I destroyed the suspension on my car driving through a giant pothole in the city. With the pouring rain and water filling the hole no way to see it. I agree we are paying first world costs in a lot areas and the streets aren’t fit to be driven on. Chaps my ass as well.

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