My personal (soon to be public) message to those who want to muzzle free speech.


by James “JB” Bryson

So this is what I LIVE for. I enjoy a good bully. I am ex Military and really don’t like being pushed around. Furthermore, although my affairs and business “require” the use of lawyers and attorneys, I generally don’t like them. I think they are spineless.

So when a lawyer sends me a letter essentially threatening me for disseminating the OPINIONS of others, they can truly KISS MY ASS. It is again, as I await the advice from my $250 per hr opportunists, that I delay in telling all who these people are. is a NOT FOR PROFIT blog. I give FREE advertising to ex-pats. What these attorney’s need to know is that you can’t sue the INTERNET, and you can’t sue FREE SPEECH. I have allowed people that have had issues to use this platform to speak of REAL ADVERSITY. They speak of REAL DOCUMENTED COURT CASES that have docket numbers. They speak of REAL people that have been charged in court. If those REAL opinions bother people than TOUGH SHIT. You can engage in debate and choose to DIRECTLY REPLY to them on AN OPTION GIVEN TO THESE PEOPLE.

Instead, they choose to try to intimidate with letters. NOT GONNA WORK. I come from a country trying to destabilize free press. I am someone who voices an OPINION, and allows others to do so. There is NO NEXUS to state that I am doing so to benefit ONE SIDE OR THE OTHER.

I take a swipe at ODEBRECHT almost every day, and I see the work of LA PRENSA recently and I am certain that they receive threats from Brazil each day. All asking to STOP giving REAL people a chance to speak and EXPOSE REAL things that happened to them.

My ducks are in a row.


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