MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of the Readers and Contributors
- By : Panama Now
- Category : "JB"

by James “JB” Bryson
While we are not quite a mover and shaker in the world of the internet blogosphere at the moment, we are very thankful for the people that visit our site on a daily basis. We have a core group of followers or around 210, but when we have run specific articles that have trended, we have had visitors reach over 35,000. Our goal is to look for topics that Panamanians and Ex-Pats alike have opinions on. From that standpoint, we bring an end to 2018 with an overall positive feeling.
I personally hope that all of you experienced a very joyous holiday with you and yours. I am a firm believer that people generally are better at this time of year, and that it is a shame that does not carry over into the other 11 months. 2018 has been a trying year, and it is this time of the year with family and friends I hope we reflect on that.
2019 will be overflowing with challenges that will affect the overall quality of life in Panama. intends to be commenting and re-distributing to all who visit the stories and people that can affect everyone around us.
So once again, Feliz Navidad and Hasta La Proxima Vez-
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