Maduro implies threats to group that does not recognize legitimacy of new term

International Relations

President Nicolás Maduro warned the Lima Group on Wednesday that he will take tough diplomatic measures if he does not rectify his position on Venezuela in 48 hours, on the eve of assuming a new term of six years, whose legitimacy does not recognize that bloc.

Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy supports the Lima Group
Grupo de Lima asks Nicolás Maduro not to assume a second term and hand over power
“A protest note was delivered to all the governments of the ‘cartel’ in Lima, where we demanded a rectification of their positions on Venezuela within 48 hours or the Venezuelan government will take the most urgent and crude diplomatic measures,” Maduro said in a statement. press.

The president considered “unacceptable” the statement issued last Friday by the Group of Lima, with support from the United States, in which he asked him not to hold on to the presidency and transfer power to the opposition-majority Parliament, while calling for “democratic elections ”

Maduro rejected in particular the point at which the bloc, which he accuses of following orders from Washington, took sides with Guyana in a territorial dispute with Venezuela.

“(I give) 48 hours to the governments of the Lima cartel to rectify their interventionist and rude policy, (if not) we will take the most crude and energetic measures that can be taken in diplomacy, in defense of national interests,” he said.

In the declaration, signed by 13 of its 14 members -Mexico was the only one that abstained-, the Lima Group included a point that rejects “any provocation or military deployment that threatens peace and the region” and asked Maduro to desist of “actions that violate the sovereign rights of their neighbors”.


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