It seems US agrees with; Criticizes Varela and Panama for siding with China and freezing Taiwan

International Relations

OP ED: James “JB” Bryson-

Look at my archive about the decisions of the “Opus Dei” President of Panama Varela. I am not even in the need to type more. I am all over this stuff.


US Vice President Mike Pence criticized China on Friday for convincing Panama, the Dominican Republic and El Salvador to break ties with Taiwan, which China described as “unjustified” and “ridiculous”.

Know the 25 agreements agreed between Panama and China
Varela asks for respect from the United States
EU wants to know the effects of the break with Taiwan
At a hearing at a conservative think tank in Washington, Pence also accused China of launching a “lifeline” to Venezuela.

The tense diplomatic relations between China and the United States surfaced yesterday when, in passing through Beijing, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo , at the end of an Asian tour in which he met with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un , heard the criticisms of the Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, on the latest steps taken by Washington, from the trade war to the sale of arms to the rival island of Taiwan.

“These measures damage mutual trust and tarnish the future of Sino-US relations, which goes completely against the interests of the two peoples,” Wang told reporters at the beginning of his meeting with his US counterpart.

“We demand that the United States stop these imprudent actions,” he stressed, and invited the two countries to cooperate in order to avoid “falling into conflict and confrontation.”

Also direct, the head of Donald Trump’s diplomacy , who was not received by President Xi Jinping, acknowledged that the two countries have “fundamental disagreements.”


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