Is Federico Humbert the ONLY person in Panama looking out for public funds?


by James “JB” Bryson

Just a quick thought on the general tenor of almost every single visit to the paper. You need not look further than the front page to see what is the new and in some cases quite old, instance of back room dealing and payoffs occurring in Panama.

The Panama Papers case made headlines worldwide, Backpacks, Odebrecht, and bribes within the National Assembly.


Now I understand that the job of the Comptroller General in and of itself is to find inaccuracies. It is essentially the head accountant for the entire country, so if there was nothing to find the job would not be necessary. But it would seem that Mr.Humbert has more on his plate than one could actually handle.

To hold this position so close to the primary elections must be like being in the center of a hurricane. Trying to stay in the calm while it is literally a storm whirling around you each day. When the actual President of the Republic (former) is incarcerated and being charged with multiple instances of bribery and collusion, just how far down does this rabbit hole go? Seems to me that Mr.Humbert could literally have work for the rest of his life trying to uncover all the discrepancies.

Just something to pay attention to.



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