Guna Yala threatened by climate change


The natives of the island Cartí Sugdup , in the archipelago of  Guna Yala – known worldwide as San Blas -, northeast of the province of Panama, are enlisting fear and hope to move to the mainland and become the first indigenous settlement in America Latina reassured by climate change , according to the non-governmental organization Displacement Solutions . The Panamanian State resumed its relocation project in 2017, which began in 2010.

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PHOTOS: Gunas, the ethnic group that climate change cornered
Some 1,450 gunas will leave their traditional huts with white cane walls and roofs of pencas, located in one of the largest islands of the archipelago, to release, in 2019, some 300 homes of 41 square meters and two bedrooms, with meeting spaces of the tribe, whose total cost reaches $ 10 million, according to the government project.

With this, the exodus of one of the 36 inhabited islands would begin, of a total of 365 of this indigenous region, whose population totals 33 thousand 109 inhabitants, distributed in coastal lands and islets.


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