
OP ED: by James “JB” Bryson

Please refer to the PNO.com blog entry and article last week that mentioned the fact that Varela administration was delinquent and tardy in disclosing what “discretionary spending” was for the past quarter of his term. New article in La Prensa today states that the numbers have been provided.

BURNS MY ASS: Despite promises of transparency, Varela remains mum on discretionary spending.

Between July and September of 2018, the Presidency of the Republic spent $ 2.4 million as a discretionary item, according to a statement from the State’s Communication Secretariat.

Publication of departure expenses, in default
Since taking office on July 1, 2014, the amount disbursed in this matter is $ 42 million. This, as a result of which until June 2018 had spent $ 39.6 million.

Despite the announcement, the detail of the investment is not yet available in the transparency section of the website of the Presidency.

The statement indicates that the report will be available during today.

In payment of medical expenses in local hospitals and abroad, the government of President Juan Carlos Varela disbursed $ 1.4 million, the statement said. In the sponsorship of cultural and sports activities, in Panama and outside the country, $ 251 thousand was invested.

While funds were also used to mitigate disasters, among other issues.

The Presidency of the Republic makes public the amount spent discretionally with almost three months of delay and a few days after the deadline to publicize what was disbursed in the October-December 2018 quarter.

Since taking office, the Varela government has used $ 42 million.


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