Class system struggles awash all of Venezuela under Maduro rule


Corina lives in a luxurious house but can not frequent restaurants; Federico , journalist, does not have for the cinema; and Alida , a seller, longs to eat chicken but it is not enough. Even with their class differences, the crisis changed their lives.

The arepa – corn tortilla typical of Venezuela – is eaten with butter and cheese, but Alida Huzz , a saleswoman in a favela in the west of Caracas, can not pay for the filling.

“I have time to eat a rice with chicken and potatoes, I have rice, potatoes, but not chicken, you work and you work and nothing, you could eat what you wanted, right now,” Alida told AFP.

Butter costs 810 thousand bolivars, 31% of the minimum income that President Nicolás Maduro -who seeks to re-elect on Sunday- has increased three times in 2018 due to hyperinflation that -according to the IMF- will increase from 13,800% this year.

Between sobs, Reina Rojas , housewife of the neighborhood, 50, tells AFP that her oldest son left the university to work as a mason in Ecuador: “Send real (money) to help us.”


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