Canal vows “uninterrupted” work flow


The Practitioners of  the Panama Canal on Sunday, April 15, urged the directors of the waterway and tugboat captains to establish a “real dialogue” in order to resolve the current labor dispute.

+ info
Certificate orders two sailors per tugboat
ACP notifies tug captains of their separation
Labor conflict hinders transits
This, after a group of captains refused last Thursday to work with two sailors aboard the tugboat that is used in the front of the Neopanamax to transit the Canal. Since the opening of the new locks three were the sailors who made this function.

“All of us who work in the ACP, both in administration and in operations, are responsible for the success of the Canal, and that is based on guaranteeing the safety of the Canal facilities, the assets of our clients and of ourselves, for that reason , we must exhaust all efforts so that together we can carry out a safe, efficient and expeditious operation, “the group said in a statement.

He noted that, as a party interested in maintaining the safety standards of the operation of the waterway, he believes that the ACP should welcome the provision of tugboat captains and initiate a “true dialogue, which they have sensibly accessed since Friday 13 April, in which the differences are deposited and the responsibilities of the case are clarified, but above all the due process that merits all investigation is respected. ”


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