BURNS MY ASS!!! So where is Emilio Sempris??? AGAIN, as mining threatens National Park in Colon’.


by James “JB” Bryson

On PNO.com we have already expanded and commented on the recent logging issues and back handed concessions given by the person assigned to PROTECT the environment of Panama. Yet as I type, more activity is occurring dangerously and ominously close to protected hectares in Colon’, that yet again show the short sighted thinking of those in power to preserve and not prostitute the beauty of Panama. If you want a good prostitute, head to Habano’s people, where you don’t to find one is in an elected office of the government.

Whereas this story may seem it falls under the purview of (MICI) or the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, that is clearly a passing of the buck. This is an OBVIOUS environmental issue, as Panama continue to sell its soul in the form of National Park concessions, for the almighty dollar/balboa.

Please read La Prensa article that outlays the cavalier dealing of the forest region of Colon’ for the mining of copper.

READ MORE:https://impresa.prensa.com/panorama/Gobierno-Minera-Panama-solucion-CSJ_0_5130986956.html

The Press


Minera Panama extracts copper in the mountains of Donoso, in the province of Colón. Archive -

Any comment coming from Minister of the Environment today??? Doubt it. He has his head up someone’s ass.

Wake up Panama!! This country does not have the hectares to be so flippant with while at the same time retaining the beauty of being a unique tropical country.

Bear in mind that the Donoso project was approved in 2008 by your PRD party. You are asking a stupid question 10 years later. You have to ask the PRD party why they approved it. Also, bear in mind that Varela’s government halted all mining and hydroelectric permits for the 2014-2019 period. So, if you are a real environmentalist, you have to thank Varela for those measures and don’t try to confuse the public opinion about what Varela did and what your PRD party approved.
Truth be told baby!!!!

Thank you for the reply, on a 14 month old post.
Any reply is appreciated as this is open forum.

And thank you for the mic dropping “truth be told baby”. Also appreciated.

My opinion remains the same, Varela, who is a complete weak minded two faced liar, would go and club Dolphins in the head, with a Maduro signed baseball bat, if Li Xinping told him to. Meet me on the next beach clean up if you question my environmentalism.

Saludos and Gracias-


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