BURNS MY ASS!!! Blue Apple, Punctures, and Odebrecht, …..Oh, my!!!! Let’s start being PROUD


by James “JB” Bryson

I woke up this week and instead of perusing through La Prensa or La Estrella to read what would undoubtedly be a new indictment of issue involving. BRIBES, PAYOFFS, BLACKMAIL,BACKPACKS, MONEY LAUNDERING, BANK FRAUD, TITLING FRAUD, BOUGHT JUDGES, etc……I think it’s time we recognize the level of high achievement that Panama has shown in this regard.

I mean at the very least, one should be proud of what they have shown to be good and proficient at, and the amount of payola and pay to play dealings that have happened and CONTINUE to happen here is actually quite remarkable.

ODEBRECHT should be considered the World Heavyweight Champion of BRIBES and SKULLDUGGERY.

Yet they, even after admitting to said crimes in the past, CONTINUE to be considered and often granted massive contracts and agreements with Panama.

We have a President, that was Vice President, to a former President that is being indicted ( while still running for Mayor), who behaves as if he was asleep during the Martinelli years and therefore has ZERO complicity whatsoever.

Everyday a new story to allow to permeate and sink in to our pscyhe to remind us that we are literally surrounded by flawed and corrupted individuals that have proved to be ill equipped at steering Panama through the Global landscape and thus helping to become a real world player.

So I will tell my friends who ask when they inquire to how Panama life is going, “hey, I live in the backroom payoff capital of the planet, ….all is good”.

Saludos Amigos y Amigas-



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