BOCAS BUYER BEWARE: Part 2 coming next week


by James “JB” Bryson

Greetings visitors.

I am looking forward to finishing the follow up that my friend “Buddy” and I have experienced since we first ventured down to Isla Colon and attempted to make progress in regards to hectares, he purchased and LEGALLY owns according to the Public Registry, that are currently occupied and he is unable to access despite being the OWNER.

My interview with Anthony a month back was able to give both myself, and from the response many of you as well, some insight as to how often and how easy this occurs.

It really is a case of the inmates running the asylum down there, as Bocas is a part of the Republic of Panama yet seems to play to a set of rules all of it’s own.

If any of you have more personal situations and or cases you would like us to mention, please let us know.



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