Asylum requests spiked 3500% over 4 years


Requests for international protection or political asylum to any of the 28 member states of the European Union (EU) by citizens of Venezuela have increased by 3 thousand 500% between 2014 and 2017 , Spain being the country that by far , has received more requests.

According to the European Asylum Support Office, of the 1,400 lawsuits filed during the last month of February, 160 thousand were in Spain, registering the highest figure ever achieved.

In total, Venezuelans who have requested protection from Europe have increased from 325 in 2014 to 11,980 in 2017.

In addition to the brutal humanitarian crisis that the country is going through, political tension and the violent repression of the demonstrations has been encrudecido in the triennium with the death of more than 120 people. All this was accompanied by an exorbitant inflation, which, according to the Venezuelan opposition, exceeded 2 600% last year and a single supply crisis.

The political relations between the EU and Venezuela are developed mainly within the framework of the institutional dialogue between the EU and CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States).

The Union is the third commercial partner of Venezuela after the United States and China. It is estimated that around 600,000 community citizens live in Venezuelan territory.


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Further proof of Mulino being PRO-active on Immigration. More in a month than 5 “Nito” Years.

Old “Nito” and “Gaby” literally sat and WATCHED for 5 fucking years (as PNO reported on weekly), about the immigration CRISIS occurring in Panama. Mulino has done more in a MONTH than those two GOOFBALLS did during an entire administration. Losers!!!! Over the past few days, the National …

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