8 months after Hurricane, efforts end with 23,000 still without power


The US Army Corps of Engineers completes its efforts to rebuild Puerto Rico’s power grid despite residents’ fear that the island’s government can not return the service by itself to the 16,000 people who follow dark eight months after the passage of Hurricane Maria.

23 thousand Puerto Ricans will continue without power
The federal agency will continue to operate more than 700 generators on the island, including the three “mega generators” that complement the aging and damaged power plants of Puerto Rico.

The recovery works of the thousands of kilometers (miles) of fallen power lines will return on Friday to the broken electricity company of the territory, the Electric Power Authority (PREPA, for its acronym in English).

The Corps of Engineers took over the repair on September 30, after PREPA did not activate what is known as a mutual aid plan by which other electricity companies throughout the country send personnel to areas in trouble.

According to the Puerto Rican authorities, 98.86% of PREPA’s clients had electricity on Thursday, but 16,723 were still without service in the longest blackout in the history of the United States.

Officials in the Donald Trump administration said a large federal contingent is no longer needed to restore the relatively few pending connections in often remote areas where people still lack power.

READ MORE:https://www.prensa.com/mundo/Ingenieros-dejan-Puerto-Rico-parte_0_5033496605.html

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