Venezuela crisis: How will it affect Panama?


by James “JB” Bryson

In the midst of the upcoming elections, the situation in Venezuela in particular, as well as Nicaragua, should bring attention to all in Panama as to what affect it will have on the country.

Below are the statistics that were reported PRIOR to the Maduro and Guaido standoff.

The facts are, when neighboring countries are in strife or disarray, Panama stands out as a preferred destination. It will be a mandate of the incoming administration to recognize that the instability of the region will DEFINITELY have an affect on Panama. If Mexico can affect the US, and examples of mass exodus migrations in Africa and the Middle East, once should expect that when the lives of people are impacted by totalitarian regimes, neighboring areas are implored to assist.
This should be looked at DAILY, especially with recent speech being geared towards possible military intervention.
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