World Youth Day for 2019 amasses huge expense

World Events

The Local Organizing Committee of the World Youth Day (WYD) said yesterday that the estimated cost of organizing this event, from January 22 to 27, 2019, is $ 54.5 million.

The funds will come, mostly, from the contribution of pilgrims, private donations, non-profit organizations, private companies, the public sector and seed capital of the Panamanian Catholic Church.

The archbishop of Panama, Jose Domingo Ulloa , urged the population to “leave the fear” and welcome the pilgrims who will come to the country on the occasion of the visit of Pope Francis next year.

“If we welcome a young man, we welcome the whole world,” said the prelate.

The committee explained that, so far, of the 180 thousand spaces that were planned to be achieved in family homes, 45% have been achieved.

100 thousand spaces have also been programmed in reception centers, of which 75% have already been obtained.


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