Words of caution to the trappings of Panama for newcomers; the Sex comes with consequences


by James “JB” Bryson

When we first settled here, and I say “we” as I was lock step with my wife at all times, it is hard to deny the utterly open and transparent sex industry that prevails in Panama. Lovely women abound, all seemingly attractive to unwitting American men. I have had many the conversation with friends of mine PRIOR to their arrival in Panama. Not merely for the obvious reasons associated with careless sexual liasons, but also for the fact that they often do not know that it is ingrained in the local culture. From the night clubs to the casinos, an interlude is truly at your fingertips.

This article from La Prensa, will illuminate that these risky practices are continuing to rise despite the fact that information and data is readily available that would lead people to be more careful. It seems more often than not, when the mood strikes, people are still not taking heed to advice.


The risky sexual relations, which among other aspects involve having several partners and not using the condom, are one of the problems that the II National Survey of Sexual and Reproductive Health made evident.

The results of the study, released yesterday by the Gorgas Institute, indicate that the risk is higher among women: 60.3% said they had had several sexual partners in the 12 months prior to the survey. Of the men, 52.4% did it.

The situation is aggravated if one takes into account that only 14.1% of women and 13.3% of men said they had used a condom in the last high risk relationship.

Report reveals deficiencies in sex education

The Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies (Icges) presented yesterday the results of the second National Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health (Enasser) , which among its main conclusions points to the country urgently requires more sexual education and promote good patterns cultural aspects of coexistence and behavior.


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