With new administration in POWER……………”Let the PANAMA GAMES begin!!!!!!!”

Human Interest

For years I have watched like “Game of Thrones” the underbelly of drama that defines the Panama political landscape. So now with the foreplay over (elections), the real screwing begins. Where else will you find the “de-facto” leader of a newly elected President, housed up in exile in an embassy, and sparring over Social Media with essentially the new head of “Congress”?    Don’ miss next weeks episode……..



In the turbulent political scene, former president Ricardo Martinelli and deputy Juan Diego Vásquez have had a heated exchange of words on social networks, mainly on next July 1, and the second is the leader of the Vamos coalition that will have the majority bench in the National Assembly for the next five years.

Although Martinelli, sentenced to 10 years in prison and asylum in the Nicaraguan embassy in Panama, will not govern directly, his party will be the one that will take the reins of the country as of July 1, 2024.

RM has 14 elected deputies and makes it the political party with the most representatives in the National Assembly.

Vásquez, for his part, leads the Vamos coalition, which is not a political party, but will have 20 deputies for the new National Assembly.

Martinelli criticized the threats of revocation of mandate towards independent deputies and in his X account he wrote that the “revocation of mandates of independents is not possible. Furthermore, 2 to 4 years if they are members of a political party does not apply.”

In a publication last Monday, Martinelli expressed his concern about independent deputies not aligned with Vásquez. “I am concerned about the regime of terror that exists among the varied and diverse group of independent deputies who are not related to the ‘aspiring dictator’, who are threatened with signatures to revoke the mandate if they do not comply with his irrational proposals,” declared Martinelli. He also pledged to support these deputies to prevent what he described as an invasion of democracy by Vásquez.

Juan Diego Vásquez, a young deputy who has gained notoriety for his anti-corruption stance and his defense of transparency in politics, was quick to respond, using his X account to defend his integrity and Martinelli responded. “I have lived in San Miguelito since I was born. I have lived with my parents for almost 28 years. I’m not ashamed to say it because I prefer that to having gone into politics to steal like others did,” said Vásquez, underlining his honesty and commitment to his community. In reference to the insinuations that Martinelli has made about a house in Costa del Este that supposedly belongs to Vásquez.

Vásquez, who represents a new generation of leaders seeking to challenge traditional power structures, also questioned Martinelli’s relevance in today’s politics and suggested that his time had passed. “We don’t have to dedicate time to the former president because precisely his time has already passed. In desperation to stay current, while he cowardly hides in an embassy, ​​he has to lie and invent crazy things. I hope he recovers soon from his delusions. Have a good trip to Nicaragua,” the deputy wrote, alluding to the legal problems and controversies that have surrounded Martinelli.

Political analyst José Eugenio Stoute assured that “the exiled Ricardo Martinelli has great concern regarding the strength and leadership of the Vamos party, and understands that it has the possibility of gaining control of the board of directors of the Assembly. thus frustrating their chances of their candidate becoming president of said body.” Martinelli, adds Stoute, understands perfectly that without the presidency of the Assembly he misses the possibility of “negotiating” with the president-elect the satisfaction of his personal interests.

In that sense, Vamos is a dam that can prevent a return to the old and unauthorized ways, and Vásquez is without a doubt the undisputed leader of that coalition and that bench, concludes Stoute.

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