Who said a lawyer is perfect?STEVE’S LEGAL OP-ED.

Editorial Contribution

OP ED: Regrettably over the past 7 or 8 months, I have had to more or less oversee what James is dealing with on his site. It started with “hey can you take a look at this?”, and has turned into me reading through about 15-20 emails per week.

I do indeed understand law, and I have a firm grasp of what is lawful and not. The construct of law in a democratic system falls under an umbrella of the same benchmarks of which apply across many different countries.

I have spent an inordinate amount of time trying to provide legal opinions in the same manner I do here in the states, for people inquiring about Panama. I am pretty good at what I do and certainly perform my Due Diligence prior to me opening my mouth or put pen to paper.

However, in the context of being thorough, I am going further and spending some additional time familiarizing myself with the laws of the Republic of Panama. In the event I run into something that I am in the least bit foggy upon, I am taking the time to consult with practicing Panamanian counsel to double and triple check what I disseminate.

To those that have contacted JB to look into matter for them, know that it is me and not him that deal with these inquiries. If you want to talk about fishing or politics, then JB can speak for hours. In these cases, it will fall on me,

Look for me to post of provide opinion on your questions when and if we have anything to say. Beyond that, know that my opinions stand based upon what I know. If something changes, or light is shone upon us in any way, we will be sure to let you know.

Enjoy your holidays, both here and back in Panama.

(Enjoy the pic- my daughter loves anime)


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Editorial Contribution
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