Venturing to Bocas with local ex-pats

Bocas del Toro

by James “JB” Bryson

Well after my lovely coastal trip this past week, it appears I will be hitting the road again. Some local friends who came from Panama by way of Ohio, have invited us to visit some property that have in Bocas del Toro next weekend. The wife and I were inundated with what we considered were very “questionable” solicitations of ownership prior to our mainland arrival back in 2011 from this region.

As it turns out, our friends are experiencing some of the very same generalized fears we anticipated might arise at the present time. I am taking this as a learning opportunity as I personally have spent very little time near Isla Colon.

I have in fact though, met some people through PANAMAONLINENOW, that have increased my curiosity and as such I was eager to join them this upcoming weekend.

If you have any insight, or perhaps have a story of your own, please send a comment or line. Very interested.


My sister and her husband got screwed there in 2013.
They took the “gringo” bait and lost big on a real estate deal where Rights of Possession were manipulated.
Bad news.

James- thanks for the blurb.
I would be interested in you telling me a bit more prior to my trip this weekend.
Obviously without giving names or otherwise, I am very interested.
I recently spoke with a Private Investigator that was hired by a group in the states to see some of the tactics used down in BDT when it came to enforcing perceived “ownership rights”.
It appears to be particularly futile when gringos are involved.
It seems we meet the old PT Barnum analogy of, “a sucker born every minute”.
When the reality is most are just guilty of assuming the laws of Panama will protect them.

I have been here long enough to know better.
Reply back if you can.


Well I can tell you that all you need to do is head to Bocas and really dig your heels in to see that it is a deathtrap for foreign investing and ripe with “off the grid” intimidation.
It is run like a de-facto separate country as it is so remote. Local municipal law enforcement is essentially non existent.
The ability to place people on land that you “presumed” to own, and thus get you locked up in what can be a foreign legal battle is the game plan.
She got duped by one of the more “reputable” land purveyors down there.
I can send you a link of her case in the US, as it is a matter of public record.
Just GOOGLE “PillarPanama” J.B, you will find a shit load.


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