Varela returns from crime meeting in US with pledge to reduce activity in Colon region.


President Juan Carlos Varela, announced on Tuesday in the province of Colon the creation of a Task Force and a search block to deal with crime.

Varela said that this Task Force will be made up of all the State security agencies, so that Colón maintains the same security figures that are registered in the rest of the provinces.

“When this goal is achieved, Panama can be with great dignity one of the safest countries in Latin America,” said Varela.

It should be noted that the president announced that the search block that will conform will go after those who insist on challenging everything that is being done by Columbus to be submitted and face justice.

“Using my faculties as President, I will make the necessary decisions to sever those links with organized crime and ask for support from society,” he said.

Varela insisted that he will make “difficult decisions”, because the criminal gangs in Colón are involved in transportation, trade and politics. “I will make the necessary decisions to cut those links

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