Varela no stranger to travel expenses for Panama


Juan Carlos Varela entered the list of the three leaders of the democratic era that more trips abroad have made.

Last Saturday he went on a tour of three countries: the United Kingdom, Israel and Palestine, adding 53 trips since he came to power.

This list is preceded by 96 trips by former President Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014) – now detained in Miami as part of an extradition process in Panama -; and Martin Torrijos (2004-2009), with 89.

Varela, who will serve four years in office on July 1, exceeded three former presidents who did not reach the 50 departures in his administration. This is Guillermo Endara (qepd) (1989-1994) -first president after the fall of 21 years of dictatorship- with 23; Ernesto Pérez Balladares (1994-1999), with 49; and Mireya Moscoso (1999-2004), with 40.


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